Morrison Interiors

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20 (Slightly Personal) Questions With Denise Morrison


A few weeks ago, I had the chance to sit down with Rick Campos, the genius behind Design Biz Survival Guide -  a podcast about life and business for interior design professionals. The goal of this podcast is to inform, inspire, and empower listeners through the artful and insightful story-telling with designers and industry pros. When he asked to interview me for his sixth episode, I was flattered, but also mildly terrified.

I rarely open about my personal life. Being an interior designer for over 20 years, I've found my stride sharing the details and inspiration behind any design, but details about myself, not so much. But after sharing a lot about design and a little about myself on the podcast, I was amazed by the support from listeners. 

In meetings, at the store, on social media, and on this blog, I'm always sharing the best design tips and inspiration I can find. But for this podcast, I thought it would be a nice change to share few fun details about myself.  So keep scrollin' for facts that you may or may not already know! And when you've read enough, head to the Design Biz Survival Guide to hear my interview with Rick!


20 Slightly Personal Questions with Denise

Q: Favorite Drink?
A: My husband’s skinny margarita. They are heavenly on a hot Saturday night.


Q: Last thing you read?
A: Higher Loyalty by James Comey


Q: Last thing you binge watched?
A: The Staircase on Netflix - creepy and totally binge-worthy!


Q: If you weren’t a designer what would you be?
A: I have no idea. I don’t have a back-up plan, and never really did. I studied Communications in college, but always found myself drawn to design. It was as if I couldn't refuse the calling. 


Q: Favorite Vacation?
A: Aspen, Colorado in the summer. I have so many memories that feel almost magical from family trips there.


Q: Extrovert or Introvert?
A: Introvert :)


Q: Funny Habit?
A: I give goofy nicknames to people I’m close to. I don't necessarily try to, it just happens over time.


Q: How are you in stressful situations?
A: Weirdly calm. I mean cool as a cucumber. New members of my team are always stunned by how I react in stressful scenarios. To me, it's the perspective of "does missing this flight really have to affect my life?" And after starting my own business, raising four boys, and opening a retail store, the answer to that, is no.


Q: Favorite Color?
A: Swim-in-it-Blue. I've mentioned it a few times on social, but it's that deep blue color, not navy, that just looks like the deepest, most beautiful part of an ocean.


Q: Favorite Holiday?
A: Thanksgiving! Great food and family gathered around one table - it doesn't get any better than that.


Q: What item do you wear most in your closet?
A: Black leather jacket


Q: Favorite Beauty Product?
A: Trish McEvoy Volume Black Mascara


Q: What would you tell your middle school self?
A: Don’t worry about what anyone thinks. You are going to have a bad-ass life! And truth is, you are in control of that, not anyone else.


Q: What is on your nightstand?
A: Carafe of water, small tray for jewelry, favorite books, and a lamp.


Q: Dog or cat?
A: I'm a dog person. I just love classic golden retrievers.


Q: What do you do when not working?
A: Paddleboarding, duffy cruises with my family, yoga, sitting on the beach, or spending time with family. I'm a California girl at heart.


Q: What are you afraid of?
A: As I'm sure most mothers would say, I'm terrified of anything bad happening to my children. Aside from that, heights!


Q: What celebrity do people tell you that you most resemble?
A: Sheryl Crow and Amanda Peet


Q: Who would you most want to be stuck in an elevator with?
A: Definitely my husband. He would make it really funny.


Q: Favorite Season?
A: Fall for it’s amazing fashion opportunities.


If there's anything else you want to know, drop your questions in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!