Staying Inspired || Valerie Saunders


Day 57? I have lost count to be completely honest. Though I admit to being a homebody, I still live for the days spent on job sites and in the office. Both in which I am surrounded by such creative people. With my day to day interaction on hold, I’ve been forced to find inspiration elsewhere. I began thinking of my local design friends and wondered how they might be staying inspired and creative in their homes. Design extraordinaire, Valerie Saunders was kind enough to share some insight on her experience. 


something positive you’ve taken out of this experience?

Valerie: I have a few positive feelings that I have reflected on during this uncertain time. The first that comes to mind is honing my craft, taking time to send handwritten notes and really reflect on the service aspect of the design process.


How are you staying inspired and creative inside your home?

Valerie: I feel inspired in many different ways. For me it is essential to create a special place to work on my lap top I do this by lighting a candle, cutting flowers from the garden and sitting in a space that happens to be the best light in my home.  For me, if my work area is not perfect for me, I cannot focus or get inspired or shall I say get in the mood to even try to be creative.


Is there anything you completed that you never had the time for before? (project recipe, chore).

Valerie: Cooking is my love language so preparing meals in my home really inspires me.  I am also addicted to organization so I have definitely had my way with some out- of- control closets  and drawers during this time.



Rearrange your room

Organize your closet

Try a new recipe

Plant something small

Dig up old photos

Finish a book


learn more about valerie
