5 Interior Design Trends from High Point Market

A few weeks ago, I took my VP and VP of Design to the coveted High Point Market. You should have seen their faces when I shared the good news - it was like kids on Christmas morning! To share this design experience with my interior design team made this trip even more special.

For those of you that don’t know, HPMKT (as we like to call it) happens every Spring and Fall and is known as “the” place to go to find the latest trends in residential lighting, furniture, and interior design. This year’s market certainly did not disappoint. There was a palpable energy of passion and creativity flying everywhere. Being a creative mind, I had such a feeling of "These are my people!".

Liz, Rachel, and me meeting a few of our design icons - Susan and Kate Hable.

Liz, Rachel, and me meeting a few of our design icons - Susan and Kate Hable.


Since I know you share that same passion and love for interior design inspiration (why else would you be here, right?) I wanted to bring back 5 of my favorite trends from Market and share them with you, so we can share in the excitement together. Now excuse the iPhone pictures as we take you on a behind the scenes experience of this Fall's High Point Market.

1. Shearling

One of the most noticeable and in-your-face interior design trends was shearling. It was EVERYWHERE! We saw it on chairs, ottomans, pillows and in almost every showroom we visited. I personally can’t get enough shearling. I often dream about snuggling up on a luxurious shearling chair with a great book.

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.

A simple way to add shearling to your home decor is by throwing a few pillows onto your sofa, or even adding a few floor poufs for your TV room.

If you’re looking to add shearling as a more permanent fixture in your home, add a shearling chair or ottoman. You can never go wrong with some cushy texture.

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.


2. Curved Sofas

The trend that surprised me the most was the abundance of curved sofas. This is a trend I didn’t even know I needed, but I can’t wait to incorporate them into my designs.

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.

We like to float sectionals in larger rooms and this is the perfect application for a curved sofa. We also noticed that a lot of vendors are making curved consoles to accommodate the sofas. This makes a nice place to put down some snacks or a drink.

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.


3. Clusters of Pendants

This year, High Point Market featured pendant clusters galore! Seriously, it was like every space featured one of these clusters. This trend has been on the rise in interior design over the past couple of years, and I don't see if going away anytime soon.

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.

My favorite application of this trend is 5 or 6 pendants cascading down your stairwell; it makes such a dramatic statement. Another way we see using this trend to it’s fullest is if you have a large rectangular dining table, stagger a few down your table at different heights and widths.

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.

When placing these make sure you look at it from every direction to make sure they look great no matter where you are viewing them from.

4. MIXING TextureS

Texture is always in, but this year I saw textures mixed together in more unexpected ways than ever before. Shearling is one example of how great texture can transform the look and feel of a space. Whether you're trying to create more interest in one piece or in the room as a whole, texture is the best place to start.

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.

I love juxtaposing smooth sleek textures with something more raw or chunky. The showroom above did an amazing job combining raw elements with more refined textures.

I also love art with texture that creates an understated and unexpected element of drama.

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.

I'm always playing with textures in my spaces, so I'm thrilled to see this new trend taking hold.

5. Asymmetrical FURNITURE

Balance is hands down my favorite design principle. You can make such interesting and beautiful spaces by playing with balance and symmetry alone! More recently, I've seen asymmetry making a big impact on the residential interior design industry.

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.

We saw a lot of furniture pieces that are not perfectly symmetrical but still create a feeling of balance. (AKA the definition of a-symmetry!)

Denise Morrison Interiors reviews five key interior design trends from High Point Market.

The team and I are so excited to use asymmetry to create some really fun kitchens and bath vanities in the near future, so keep your eye out for some of our projects that will be hitting your social media feeds soon!


Needless to say, this Fall's High Point Market was a highlight of the year for the team and me. Interior design is always evolving, and keeping up with these trends is key for staying relevent in the industry. What was your favorite trend from High Point? What else would you add to our list? Let us know in the comments below!